CRank: 9Score: 64570

Hopefully they come out with far more DLC than they did for COD4. I know that despite the small amount of maps for MP in COD4, it has still been one of the most played games online for two years running. You can only imagine what would happen if they run with more maps for MW2.

5433d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Don't kid yourself. BF:BC sold a total of 1.9 million copies so far so your dream of them selling almost 1.5 million of those copies in a week or so is a dream at best. Modern Warfare 2 will completely obliterate BF:BC2 in sales and in online community. Mark my words and enjoy your BF games.

And to correct you on copies sold for COD4, it is currently at 13 million going on 14.


Melt your face off goodness.

5433d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

All the haters get their faces melted off when they pick the game up and enjoy it despite all the hate they spread. Yeah they can all talk but in the end they will buy it and love it like all the rest of us.

5433d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Then you must REALLY hate Halo 3.

5433d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Have to say that if you like the original Diablo, then you cannot miss this one. It is a great dungeon crawler and has al the same feel that Diablo had. It is a wonderful game to hold you over some more in the wait for Diablo III.

5433d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Has Modern Warfare been one of the most played online game for the past two years running? Yes? Ok then, I guess it does deserve the hype.

5433d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

And all the fanboys here know it. You can see how the 360 fanboys wear their fear on their sleaves as though it were absolutely necessary to argue this. It's not and I'll tell you why. The PS3 has Blu-Ray, Built-in WiFi and every console comes standard with reliability. The only reason the 360 has shown to have sold as many as it has is because of the failure rate. People that trade their broken console in using an in-store warranty is considered a sale by MS and believe me, that is something...

5433d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Really? Are you actually expecting him to thank the PC community for COD? The same community that bought less than 10% of the copies of COD4? The same community that pirated so many copies of the game that the devs even went public with astonishment about it?

You want us to thank the community that would rather steal a copy of ...

5433d ago 5 agree12 disagreeView comment

Well, I can tell you what you DON'T do in it... And that would be score with hot chicks that pose for their ads. This game is a total sham and should be taken down but too many folks like to play it so it must be doing something right... Like maybe ad campaigning?

5433d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Sorry to all the PC guys with hurt feelings but this game is going to be to epic to pass up. Sometimes for a great game you just got to swallow your pride and buy it anyway. Despite the few issues it has had since a few recent announcements, the game is going to melt your faces off.

5433d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

It's called COD: World at War - Nazi Zombies. Much more fun and guess what? It works flawlessly on the PSN - FOR FREE!

And on another note... WHERE THE HECK IS HALF LIFE 2: EPISODE 3?!!! Come Valve, get off your arses and get it on!

5436d ago 12 agree2 disagreeView comment

And now the Wii is left to the rest of those who do not want a system that is nothing more than a shovelware machine. Make good games and the folks will come in droves.

5436d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

I wonder what the benefits over PlayOn will be? Chapter selection is a must!

5436d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

No? Me neither.

As for the article, who cares, the game sucks anyway. Sorry, but this game is a demonstration of poor development and how fighting games need a boost in order to maintain popularity. This game does not cut it, plain and simple.

5436d ago 6 agree4 disagreeView comment

So reliability is not synonymous with their development either? Better luck next time MS.

5436d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I hate hime but he has what I need. Modern Warefare is a day one for me... GameFly day one that is.

5436d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Any gamer that has a desire to play on a reliable console that does not charge you to play online would rather play on the PS3 over the Xbox 360. It is beyond me why so many devout Xbox fanboys defend the tactics of MS and the rip off scheme they pull on the consumers. Charging for what is free on three other platforms and willing selling a faulty console are two tactics that I will not stand for.

5436d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

With the rumor that GT5 might be out by Christmas 2009 they had to rush it out. It's the same thing they did with the 360. They rush an unfinished product tot hem market in hopes of gaining a head start in sales.

5436d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

With flame bait article titles like that, who even needs to bother. Just another retard journalist wannabe trying to get his lousy web site off the ground with flame bait articles. Pathetic.

5436d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment